Tuesday, 3 July 2012

Lighting Hire Kennington London

26th June 2012 Lillian Baylis School Kennington Lighting Hire

The school is named after a 19th century bornTheatre Manager whom amongst her charges were no less than the Sadlers Wells Theatre. Partially responsible for the careers of Lawrence Olivier and John Gielgud!
Well not quite as arty but the school was holding a School prom disco and required some lighting from us. We supplied the following lighting effects: 2 x Impossibled lighting effects - 1 strobe light - 1 Haze machine and a small cluster laser. The hall used for the disco was actually the school gym. Capacious and with high ceilings the lights were ample for the job without stretching the budget of this Inner London secondary school
For all your disco lighting requirements contact us at www.a1proents.com